Friday 13 June 2014

Football Fever

The football World Cup in Brazil is now well underway. But who will be the winner to hold the trophy?

No one can say with certainty who will win. It's difficult to know which teams have put in the most training, got the most talent or got the most luck.

We can't all be winners but hopefully we can all be satisfied with how we perform in doing our best.

Thursday 12 June 2014


The word for the day is ...

It's a word that brings mixed feelings to people.

I've undergone a whole day of training today.  Next year I won't be required to obtain any CPD points in my profession so I may never have another training day like today ever again. That might appeal to some but I'm a little saddened. 

Luckily I don't have long to wait for my next full day's training...this weekend I'm being trained to be a training advisor.  So training is a word that I'm still going to continue to come across for the foreseeable future only it'll not be work related anymore.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

A new day for blogging

I woke up today with the lyrics sung by Nina Simone "it's a new dawn a new day a new life for me and I'm feeling good."

This is for me a new day in blogging and I'm containing the excitement inside me but feeling good.  Lots of things to come from this blog as I have plans and ideas. This weekend is the start of a new path in my life but it's bringing me back to a familiar area...scouting.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

It's been a bit of an adventure but also a nightmare trying to find a free and simple method of blogging.  Have I found it in Blogger?  It's looking like my search has ended but the question remains is it the successful result I want.  The jury is out for now but feeling optimistic that this might be it.
I've got the same feeling as I did when I was about to jet ski for the first time.  This is going to be fun if it all goes OK.  Can't wait to see how it pans out.  Got my fingers crossed!!